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Novell SuSE Linux Professional 9.2
Novell has released its latest all-in-one Linux product for both newcomers and technical enthusiasts. SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 comes with the latest open source functionality, including 2.6.8 Linux kernel enhancements, KDE 3.3 and GNOME 2.6 desktop environments. The software also raises the bar for mobility on Linux with simpler system configuration and support for Bluetooth and wireless LANs, as well as better performance and greater ease of use for both 32- and 64-bit platforms. Bundled open source applications include 1.1.3 (a complete Word-, Excel- and PowerPoint-compatible office suite), Novell's Evolution 2.0 (the newest community edition of the popular Linux e-mail and personal information client), GIMP 2 (image processing and graphics creation tool), Inkscape (new vector graphics application), Nvu (Web authoring system that combines Web file management and WYSIWYG Web-page editing), as well as a selection of commercial software, including full versions of the text processing application TextMaker and spreadsheet application PlanMaker from SoftMaker, full-version backup software sesam from SEP, and a demo version of MainConcept's video-editing software MainActor 5.

Pros: Support for Bluetooth and wireless LANs; plethora of applications
Cons: Stability, reliability and support issues have to be considered

Release: Novell today announced the November availability of SuSE Linux Professional 9.2, providing Linux newcomers and enthusiasts with the latest advancements in open source technology. SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 comes complete with comprehensive installation media, documentation and technical support and is available for standard 32-bit PC processors as well as AMD Athlon 64 and Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology. It is the de facto standard for retail Linux and passes another milestone in the evolution of Linux viability for the mass market.

'SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 offers a wide spectrum of users the benefits of leading-edge open source technology that is professionally designed, cost-effective and easy-to-use,' said Markus Rex, vice president of SuSE Linux for Novell. 'Novell is proud to offer a consumer product that brings together the latest open source functionality and has again set the highest standard in terms of usability in the Linux home user market. We have incorporated customer requests and recommendations, providing them with a feature-rich and comprehensive open source operating system, and we are convinced this offering will enable many more home users to switch from an alternative system to SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 with confidence and ease.'

In version 9.2, SuSE Linux Professional now offers Bluetooth wireless support including automatic recognition of Bluetooth-enabled devices via the YaST central configuration and administration tool. Bluetooth configuration can be easily set up through YaST, and the software also makes it easy to connect to and move between wireless LANs (WLAN) and other network connections. Its advanced power management through ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) and suspend-to-disk features also make it easy for laptop users who require the increased mobility this affords.

With more than 3,500 packages including office, Internet, e-mail and multimedia software, server services for home networks and development tools, SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 provides Linux users with one of the most powerful and versatile PC operating systems ever. SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 core technology includes the new enhanced Linux kernel 2.6.8, providing stability and security along with greater hardware support.

The X.Org Foundation's new X Window System X11R.6.8.1 also contributes to overall better hardware support. GCC 3.3.4 and glibc 2.3.3 provide best performance for a Linux distribution to date. SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 also comes with a broad range of development environments including KDevelop, Eclipse and Mono, a development platform based on the .NET framework which allows open source developers to build Linux and cross-platform applications with unprecedented productivity.

Additional Internet and network functionality includes pre-configured time servers for many countries in XNTP module, and better communication and synchronisation with diverse groupware systems through improved support for standards-based protocols. Further YaST improvements include greater security via the automatic activation of a firewall after installation and a redesigned user interface to permit easier setup of SAMBA, DNS and DHCP servers.

Novell's SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 delivers the latest Linux technology for standard 32-bit PC processors as well as for AMD Athlon 64 and Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology and will be available worldwide from bookstores and other retail software suppliers in early November. The suggested retail price of SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 (which includes five CDs, two DVDs, user guide and administration guide, 90 days of installation support) is $89.95 (89.95 euros). An update edition for existing users and a student edition of SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 will also be available at the recommended retail price of $59.95 (59.95 euros). For more information, visit

Released twice a year, SuSE Linux consumer offerings provide Linux enthusiasts, home users and newcomers to Linux with the most popular, leading-edge Linux technology available, including comprehensive documentation and 90 days of installation support. Novell's enterprise Linux products - SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and Novell's upcoming enterprise Linux desktop - are specifically designed to meet business customers' requirements for maintenance, systems management, and certified applications and hardware, along with enterprise-level consulting, training and support.

BIOS, Oct 06, 04 | Print | Send | Comments (0) | Posted In Linux
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