
Privacy policy
BIOS is a UK-based source of information and commerce services for the technology industry. It connects buyers, sellers and suppliers throughout the IT supply chain with content via the Web. BIOS a copyright publication of Black Letter Publishing Ltd. For more information about the company go to www.blackletter.co.uk. This privacy policy applies to the UK operations of both brands and all services owned by Black Letter Publishing Ltd.

Privacy statement
Black Letter Publishing Ltd recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users of its Web sites, recipients of its e-mail newsletters and all of its customers. The company created this policy with a fundamental respect for its users right to privacy and to guide its relationships with its users. This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices for all products and services owned by Black Letter Publishing Ltd.

Information collection and use
Black Letter Publishing Ltd collects information from users of its Web sites, subscribers to newsletters, competition entries and customers. In this section of its privacy policy the company will describe the type of information it collects and how it uses it to provide better services to its customers:

When signing up for a free newsletter, users must first subscribe. During this brief registration process, users are required to give their contact information (such as name and e-mail address). Readers may also have to give demographic information (such as job title and purchasing responsibilities, company information and professional certification). Recipients of newsletters can unsubscribe using the instructions detailed at the end of the e-mail newsletter. For internal purposes, Black Letter Publishing Ltd may use this information to communicate with users and provide requested services, and provide a more personalised experience on its Web sites. Black Letter Publishing Ltd amasses demographic information about its audiences to improve its services, for marketing purposes and for industry reporting purposes. For future services that require payment (such as merchandise), Black Letter Publishing Ltd will also collect credit card information which is used for billing purposes only, and is not otherwise shared.

Black Letter Publishing Ltd invites readers to provide e-mail information via a competition. Participation in these competitions is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether to disclose requested contact information (such as name and mailing address) and demographic information (such as post code or job title). Contact information collected in connection with competitions is used to notify the winners and award prizes, to monitor or improve the use and satisfaction of the Web site, and may be shared with sponsors of the competitions.

Black Letter Publishing Ltd offers interactive and community features via its Forums. Note that all personal information sent or posted via such features becomes public information for which the company is not responsible.

E-mailing pages
Readers can elect to e-mail stories published on the BIOS Web site. Black Letter Publishing Ltd may ask them for the recipients name, job title and e-mail address. The company will store and use this information to send the recipient the e-mailed page. This information may also be used to provide information about Black Letter Publishing Ltd and its products and services.

Sharing your information
Apart from the aforementioned, Black Letter Publishing Ltd does not share personally identifiable information with other companies, apart from those acting as its agents in providing its product(s)/service(s), and which agree to use it only for that purpose and to keep the information secure and confidential. Also, if the company may be merged, or entities to which any of its assets, products, sites or operations may be transferred, it will be able to use personal information. Black Letter Publishing Ltd will also disclose information it maintains when required to do so by law and may share aggregate information, which is not personally identifiable, with others. This information may include usage and demographic data but it will not include personal information.

Black Letter Publishing Ltd uses reasonable precautions to protect its users personal information and to store it securely. Sensitive information that is transmitted to the company online (such as a credit card number) is encrypted and transmitted to the company securely. In addition, access to all of its users information is restricted. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information. The servers on which it stores personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

Third-party Web links
Web sites published by Black Letter Publishing Ltd may contain links to other Web sites. Black Letter Publishing Ltd is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other Web sites. The company encourages its users to be aware when they leave its site and to read the privacy statements of each Web site to which it may link that it may collect personally identifiable information.

Copyright and other legal information
All content published by Black Letter Publishing Ltd is the copyright of Black Letter Publishing Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy or republish, in any form, any information found on the BIOS or Black Letter Publishing Web site. Any person is hereby authorised to view the information available from this Web site for informational purposes only. No part of the information on this site can be redistributed, copied, or reproduced without prior written consent of Black Letter Publishing Ltd.

Reprints and Logo Use
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Notifications and changes
If Black Letter Publishing changes its privacy policy, it will post all changes on this page so its users are aware of what information it collects, how the company will use it and under which circumstances, if any, it discloses it. Users should check this policy frequently to keep abreast of any changes.

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