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World's #1 ECG Healthy Laptop
Micro-Star International has taken a new challenge to incorporate its advanced solution in today's medical and hospital information systems.

MSI’s R&D team has designed a revolutionary laptop, which supports the ECG (electrocardiogram analysis). The H3 NB stands for Digital Home, Hospital Online, Heart Healthy Monitor and will be known as HATO (Heartbeat Audition Transceiver On-the-Go) NB.

The laptop is designed to monitor the patient's electrocardiogram record and to enable online access to the doctor who can view the results anytime in the hospital. The HATO (Heartbeat Audition Transceiver On-the-Go) NB, is great solution for doctors and patients who want to get immediate monitoring and diagnosis.

Heart and blood vessels diseases kill more than 16 million people worldwide and account for 30% of the total number of deaths each year. Additional millions are disabled, frequently in their prime. In the U.S., an estimated 61.8 million people live with cardiovascular disease. Heart disease and stroke, the main components of cardiovascular diseases, account for nearly 40% of all deaths in the nation. The major risk factors are high blood pressure, tobacco use, and poor dietary habits, especially the intake of saturated fat, elevated blood cholesterol, lack of physical activity, obesity, and diabetes.

The most common cause of heart disease is the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart itself. This happens slowly over time. Some heart diseases can be present at birth. A combination of a sedentary lifestyle and a rich diet can also lead to an increase in clogged blood vessels, heart attacks and strokes. For people without major health issues, increasing physical activity and adapting a healthier diet can lower the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases.

However, you can do plenty to prevent heart disease or at least lessen your odds of developing one. Along with exercising and eating a healthy diet, regular physical exams are an important way of detecting and therefore combating heart disease. If your doctor detects a problem, you can address the issue in its early stages, rather than waiting for it to worsen. Your doctor may use an ECG to detect irregularities in your heart rhythm, structural abnormalities in your heart, or problems with the supply of blood and oxygen to your heart. This is a test to find out how well your heart is working.

It tells your doctor whether you've had a heart attack, what type of heart attack it was, and which part of the heart is damaged. An ECG also shows doctors how fast your heart is beating and whether it's beating in a regular pattern. There are additional ECG procedures that are more involved than the standard ECG, this includes the Holter Monitor. A holter monitor is a small, portable electrocardiograph machine that can record the heart's rhythm over a longer period of time. It makes a continuous recording of the heart's electrical activity during a patient's daily routine. Usually worn for 24 to 72 hours, the Holter Monitor, which is the size of a small deck of cards, can detect intermittent heart rhythm irregularities.

In order to help its consumers to create a healthy lifestyle, MSI's R&D team has successfully designed a laptop which integrates the function of the ECG - the HATO (Heartbeat Audition Transceiver On-the-go) NB. The HATO (Heartbeat Audition Transceiver On-the-go) NB stands for Digital Home, Hospital Online, Heart Healthy Monitor. It allows the hospital cardiologist to interpret the patient's electrocardiogram ECG and send the results ahead to a doctor at the hospital. It aims to provide ECG transmission faster to reduce in-hospital delays and quicker care for the patient.

Because of a continuously growing number of cardiac patients around the world. MSI has developed a friendly and intelligent laptop solution based on the interpretation of ECG monitor which offers diagnostic tests available to patients anytime, anywhere. The HATO (Heartbeat Audition Transceiver On-the-go) NB can record and store ECG signals of professional quality level, generate different levels of alarms, and forward the alarm messages with the recorded signals to relevant health care providers by means of new generation wireless communication devices.

Moreover, the HATO (Heartbeat Audition Transceiver On-the-go NB is a 3G-enabled wireless solution. There's no need to go and see the doctor personally or even go to the hospital for check-up. Through 3G, patient and doctor are connected at all times and in all places. It can overcome several challenges such as physical distance between doctor and patient, overcrowded hospitals and longer-than-average hospital stays. With H3 NB, patients can self-administer most tests and allows them greater freedom, yet making it possible for their doctor to monitor their health.

MSI’s innovative H3 NB is a new concept in portable ECG, offering a comprehensive suite of ECG interpretation and analysis programs. It is designed to record and transmit in real-time a patient’s ECG information to appropriate medical staff or doctor for initial diagnosis and professional medical advice.

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BIOS, Jan 09, 07 | Print | Send | Comments (0) | Posted In Laptop
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