The Motley Fool is an independent company dedicated to helping users compare financial products online and switch to the best products for their needs.
One of the UKs most popular financial Web sites, with 2.5 million members and 500,000 site visitors a month, the site is free to use (with the exception of Champion Shares, its premium share-tipping newsletter), and its editorial team writes several impartial (and interesting) articles each day on every aspect of personal finance and investing.
Its content is also featured on many high-traffic Web sites, such as Yahoo! and Sky News, and it even goes offline making media appearances and publishing several books, including three editions of its best-selling Motley Fool UK Investment Guide.
Independent financial comparison is what The Motley Fool all about. The Web site showcases a wide range of product comparison centres, from credit cards to loans to insurance to mortgages, each designed to help you get the best deal on the financial products you need. If youd like your independent financial comparison facts delivered to you, sign up for its e-mails and get the top rates and latest news sent straight to your inbox.
Although The Motley Fool is independent, it is a commercial organisation, which means most of its comparison centres contain top deals from its advertising partners or a single sponsor. That said, the idea is for you to find the right financial products for your needs, so in many comparison centres youll also find a search option that will allow you to scour the entire market, using data provided by Moneyfacts.
Theres even a vibrant online community allowing Fools (colloquial term for its readers) to share ideas, get perspective on financial decisions, and find out how they compare with their community and country. This is best showcased with its discussion boards, where thousands of Fools post messages on almost any topic you can think of.
BIOS, Feb 06, 07 | Print | Send |
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