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Understanding Peer-To-Peer (P2P)
Often referred to simply as peer-to-peer, or abbreviated to P2P, peer-to-peer architecture is a type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. This differs from client/server architectures where some computers are dedicated to serving the others.

Peer-to-peer networks are generally simpler but they usually do not offer the same performance under heavy loads. The P2P network itself relies on computing power at the ends of a connection rather than from within the network itself.

P2P is often mistakenly used as a term to describe one user linking with another user to transfer information and files through the use of a common P2P client to download MP3s, videos, images, games and other software. This, however, is only one type of P2P networking. Generally, P2P networks are used for sharing files, but a P2P network can also mean Grid Computing or Instant Messaging (IM).

Peer-to-Peer technology and software makes it possible to share all kinds of information. Some P2P software programs offer a larger user base that often means greater numbers of files to choose from. Some software better utilises network resources and may be easier to use. Finally, some P2P software programs are increasing in popularity while others may be declining. Consider all of these factors when deciding which P2P network to join.

Once you have downloaded and installed a P2P client, such as one of those below, connecting to the Internet then logs you into a central indexing server. This central server indexes all users who are currently online and connected to the server. This server does not host any files for downloading. The P2P client will contain an area where you can search for a specific file. The software queries the index server to find other connected users with the file you are looking for.

When a match is found the central server will tell you where to find the requested file. You can then choose a result from the search query and your utility when then attempt to establish a connection with the computer hosting the file you have requested. If a successful connection is made, you will begin downloading the file. Once the file download is complete the connection will be broken.

A second model of P2P clients works in the same way but without a central indexing server. In this scenario the P2P software simply seeks out other Internet users using the same program and informs them of your presence online, building a large network of computers as more users install and use the software.

The key to P2P software is that is allow users from all over the world to view the contents of each others' 'shared folders.' Be careful! If you have personal information in your shared folder, anyone else using the same P2P software has access to it. Another user could use that information to commit identity theft, or to embarrass you.

For instance, don't put information in your shared folder that you aren't comfortable sharing with strangers. In particular, do not put tax, medical, banking, correspondence or any other sensitive personal files in the same folder as files that are shared via your P2P software program.

There are also some legal issues to consider. Some information is protected by copyright, which means that you generally need the copyright owner's permission before you make it available to other P2P users. Popular music, movies, games, and software are often protected by copyright.

Copyright infringement can result in significant monetary damages, fines and even criminal penalties. Some copyright owners have filed civil lawsuits against individuals that they believe unlawfully distributed large numbers of copyrighted songs. You can learn more about copyright laws at

P2P software also give users, including children, access to pornography. Some files containing pornography may be deliberately mislabelled to attract young or otherwise unsuspecting viewers. Distributing illegal pornography is a serious crime. Users whose shared folders contain illegal pornographic material, particularly child pornography, could be subject to criminal prosecution.

Files downloaded from the Internet (including those obtained via P2P software) may also contain other software, such as adware that sends you advertising and spyware that can track your Internet activities and report them to a third party. Spyware can even be used to take control of your computer.

Files downloaded from the Internet (including those obtained via P2P software), may also contain viruses that can infect your computer. These files typically are mislabelled to disguise their true purpose. You should always make sure that you have installed anti-virus and anti-spyware software before using a P2P client - and keep it up-to-date!

The last thing to take on board is that the internet is not 100 per cent anonymous. Anytime you connect to any other system, whether it be via the WWW, UseNet, Email, IRC, or P2P, that connection is made using something called 'Internet Protocol' (IP). Every connection over IP involves your IP address.

An IP address is a 32-bit number that is unique to every internet connection. While an IP address does not directly identify exactly who is on the other end, it does identify the Internet Service Provider (or ISP for short) responsible for that address. Most ISPs log their individual user's IP address assignments.

BIOS, Aug 30, 05 | Print | Send | Comments (0) | Posted In Internet
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