Samsung Electronics will be first to market with a laptop that has a massive 19in. screen. Another neat feature of the M70 is that the widescreen display is 'removable', allowing you to raise and position it slightly for more comfortable computing using the supplied docking station.
Other features of the silver laptop include a native resolution of 1680x1050 pixels, 600:1 contrast ratio, 280cd/m² brightness and a super-quick 10ms response time.
The Docking Station also offers a DVI interface, so the display can also be used with other systems. Graphics will be driven by an nVidia chipset, although it's not clear at this time which part the system will use. The downside to the system is that it weighs 4.4kg, which is hardly portable.
BIOS, Aug 31, 05 | Print | Send | Comments (0) | Posted In Laptop