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Mindjet MindManager X5 Pro 5.2, Visual Planning Software

Mindjet is readying itself for bigger and better things to come in 2005 with its most recent upgrade to MindManager X5 Pro, its visual tool for planning, collaboration, and business process management (BPM). MindManager X5 Pro 5.2 is an easy-to-use Windows application that lets you transform brainstorming ideas, strategic thinking, and business information into blueprints for action. By refining its interface with Tablet and Pocket PCs, making large deployments easier, and partnering with other successful enterprise application vendors, Mindjet is positioning itself to become more widespread within the enterprise. The updated software is also a fine organisational tool that can help individuals to manage projects and planning. If you're tired of using sticky notes to keep track of ideas and a simple to-do list isn't enough for crystallising a sea of information into one cohesive plan, MindManager X5 Pro 5.2 is definitely worth a look.

Pros: Wizards and templates; better Tablet PC and Pocket PC support
Cons: Overwhelming the first time you use it

Mindjet's mature MindManager is a software application for visualising and managing information. Used for mapping, brainstorming, planning, and organising projects and information - Word processors lacks the necessary fluidity, PowerPoint is limited, and traditional whiteboards and pens still leave you with the problem of transcribing everything into a usable format - the latest release supports corporate deployments, has better Microsoft Word integration, and improves Tablet PC pen input.

Mind maps were developed in the late 60s as a way of helping students make notes that used only key words and images. They are much quicker to make, and because of their visual quality much easier to remember and review. The non-linear nature of mind maps makes it easy to link and cross-reference different elements of the map. Mind mapping involves writing down a central idea and thinking up new and related ideas which radiate out from the centre. By focussing on key ideas written down in your own words, and then looking for branches out and connections between the ideas, you are mapping knowledge in a manner which will help you understand and remember new information.

In the past, the installation, distribution, and upgrades of MindManager were a manual and one-on-one process. While this worked fine for small teams, large-scale deployment was a challenge. IT managers can now distribute MindManager software to internal customers via push deployment to the desktop or by offering it from a server. Support for large-scale deployment is another new feature, making it easier for IT departments to distribute MindManager X5 Pro to large corporate teams.

The software supports both Windows Server 2003 running Terminal Services or Citrix MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 environments when running MindManager from a server. It also provides an editable Windows Installer (MSI) file for companies that prefer push deployment to the desktop, which should result in around a 20 per cent shorter set-up time and faster response times.

Some of the software's biggest improvements are with its integration with Word. Table of contents, headers and footers can be included in the export to Word to create more polished final documents, and maps can be saved as outlines in plain text or HTML for Web use. You can now maintain the tab structure when importing 'tab delimited' text from Word into MindManager, and it now also fully supports the advanced Tablet PC 'Lonestar' features: In-place tablet input panel simplifies and accelerates writing in the tablet environment; real-time handwriting recognition instantly converts written words to text; and left-handed user interface option improves ease of use for lefties.

The best feature of MindManager X5 Pro is that is allows you to quickly create 'business maps' to visually organise and communicate your thoughts, which can come in very useful for brainstorming meetings. Whilst this may sound a little strange, the software's 1400 symbols make light work of turning your thoughts into a visual format, linking your mind map to the Internet or to documents, and exporting your mind maps as Web pages (along with all associated files). You can also export your maps to Microsoft's Project and then manage the project from there.

From starting with a central idea, such as a new product launch, you then expand out from this centre with related ideas. You can use lines, colours, arrows, branches or some other way of showing connections between the ideas generated on your mind map, and to emphasise each item in a mind map. Ideas can be edited, moved around, or expanded as your thinking evolves. These relationships may be important in you understanding new information or in constructing a structured essay plan. By personalising the map with your own symbols and designs you will be constructing visual and meaningful relationships between ideas which will assist in your recall and understanding.

The difference with MindManager compared to say OneNote, is that MindManager specialises in structured documents, letting you shunt boxes and chart branches into appropriate places to keep a table attractive and readable. Boxes and lines are also drawn incredibly smoothly and system is very intuitive, making the selection of a set of branches as simple as lassoing them with a selection box.

MindManager has a ton of dedicated tools, too. One such gem is Map Markers, visual indicators that can be applied to ideas in your mind map. For example, a Task Completion marker specifies whether a task is just starting, done, or somewhere in between. A Task Priority Marker shows a 1 through 5 rating for the priority of a given action item. Coloured flags can also call attention to specific items, and by using a simple filter you can select and view only those ideas with a certain mark (all Priority 1 tasks, for example).

MindManager is a superb brainstorming tool and is perfectly positioned to help you organise your thoughts more effectively. High-end features like XML transformation and an editable Windows Installer (MSI) file will only likely be used in business environments, but the software is great to have on hand for any form of planning.

BIOS, Mar 22, 05 | Print | Send | Comments (0) | Posted In Business
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