Plustek has launched the OptiCard 820, a relatively high-speed mobile colour scanner for scanning, storing and managing photos and business cards. The compact A6 OptiCard 820 scans images and organises them into the leading contact databases. Measuring just 61x175x39mm (194g), the OptiCard 820 can also synchronise with a PDA.
The OptiCard 820 (£79.99) claims to be simple to use and provides two buttons for easy operation - Scan and BCR, (Business Card Reader). It comes with I.R.I.S Cardiris 3.5 software, which organises and manages the data into contact databases making the images easily accessible. The software also recognises business cards from 50 different countries. Other features include auto orientation and database export.
Scanning modes include 48-bit colour input, 24/48-bit colour output, 16-bit greyscale input and 8/16-bit greyscale output. The unit has a maximum scanning area of 105x148mm and minimum can area of 33x43mm. Plustek claims a single-pass scan speed of 7s at 300ppi in grey and 8s at 300ppi in colour.
I.R.I.S Cardiris 3.5 is a business card organiser that supports dragging and dropping from the card to desired fields, supporting multiple address databases/formats (HTML, Lotus Notes, Outlook 2003, Outlook, Outlook Express, Goldmine, Palm Desktop, ACT!, Text, XML, and vCard, etc) with export and synchronisation, and auto orientation, deskewing, cropping OCR after scan.
The software recognises cards from 50 countries: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, German, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japanese English, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korean English, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwanese English, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States and Others.
You also get a copy of Image Folio, a multimedia image-processing program. It enables you to process photographs, graphics, and drawings captured from scanners and other devices. You can create new images and enhance pre-existing ones by using the ImageFolio's built-in tools functions, such as Effect Browser and Photo Fun.
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