Calypso says it designs and manufactures digital cellular phones that make owning a mobile phone fun again. Looking at the forthcoming C1250i video phone wed tend to agree. The C1250i is one hot phone to own.
Calypsos sleek new C1250i video phone should offer a great to work or play. It runs on the state-of-the-art Intel PXA processors and Microsoft Windows CE 5.0. And according to the company, it will no longer take several minutes to simply send or receive a single still picture or download a graphic intensive Web site.
The C1250i connects you to the Internet at broadband speeds of 11Mbit/s per second - up to 200 times faster than connection speeds available from most wireless carriers. Or 200 times faster than most DSL or cable-modem speeds available!
In addition, C1250is 30 frames per second video capabilities should make phone-to-phone video-conferencing a breeze. No more boring still images, just honest to goodness movie-quality video. And, with its built in digital camera, C1250i can also capture all of those special moments and share them instantly with friends and family as they happen.
Calypso has achieved this by building the worlds first mobile phone that works on both traditional cellular/digital frequencies and the exciting new Wi-Fi frequency meaning only Calypso phone users can connect to the Internet at these super fast speeds.
How very clever!
The Calypso ASNAP Session Controller, the first Open Source Seamless Mobility solution, enables the seamless roaming of voice, video and data between Wide Area Network access points, such as cellular towers (GSM/GPRS/EDGE, CDMA, WCMDA and so on) and short-range Internet access points (such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). It should receive great interest from mobile carriers and ISPs.
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BIOS, Feb 10, 06 | Print | Send |
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