LG Electronics has added two TFT LCD monitor to its 32 Series. The 17-inch L1732P and 19-inch L1932P boast an impressive fast response time of 4ms, and a brightness of 300cd/m2 (candelas per square metre). Both have a native resolution of 1280x1024 pixels, which is disappointing, but more impressive 170-degree viewing angles.
Initially the L1732P is available with a contrast ratio of 700:1, and then in April the L1732P and L1932P will be updated with LGs innovative DFC (Digital Fine Contrast) technology to increase the contrast ratio to a new industry high of 1400:1 (
i.e. don't buy the L1732P now - Ed!)
The combination of 4ms response time and 700:1 contrast ratio is unprecedented in the TFT display market, and the introduction of DFC in April will move display technology to a new level of image quality and performance, says LG.
Increasing the contrast ratio makes colours brighter, images become more vivid and text looks sharper and clearer on the page. This technology uses the F-Engine - the worlds first picture enhancing chip - which optimises images through local colour manipulations in Movie, Text and Picture modes to create a crisper and clearer image. Gamers should love the performance of the displays as the combination of fast response and high contrast ratio bring out the best in the most intensive games.
The corporate market will admire the clean design and function of the 32 Series as you can adjust the display to give a perfect viewing angle. The circular stand allows the screen to swivel from side to side and in addition the screen has both pivot and tilt functions and the height can also be adjusted.
The pivot function uses Forte Pivot technology to automatically switch the display between portrait and landscape mode when the pivot is used. This decent range of adjustment means that you can get the ideal seating position which will assist your posture and reduce aches and strains.
In addition the Fine Window feature allows you to enhance the picture in a specific zone without enhancing the rest of the image which is ideal for Forte Manager control, Task tray icon and the context menu.
The 32 Series offers DVI and VGA connectors to give you the choice of an analogue or digital connection for your PC or Mac, while the power cord plugs directly into the screen with no external power adapter to reduce untidy cabling to a minimum. Both models are fully compliant with the TCO-03 standard.
The L1732P is available now at a suggested price of £249 and the L1932P will be available from 6 April at a suggested price of £299.
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