IT Security: Management By Perception |
All too often these days, decisions surrounding IT security spending are founded on industry perception rather than linked to real business need. Companies are often swayed by what vendors or consultants recommend, or even what ... |
Identity Theft In The Corporate World |
Anyone who steals the identity of a user becomes that user and has access to their most sensitive systems and data. If just one users identity is compromised, corporate systems are vulnerable. This is the threat posed by ... |
Preparing For SIEM Project Success |
Fail to prepare, as the saying goes, and you prepare to fail. This maxim certainly applies to most large-scale IT projects, and doubly so for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) projects. Recent figures from ... |
The Evolving Role Of The CIO |
IT security has the potential to impact a business at every level. Few other business areas, if any, have the potential to damage customer relations, disrupt supplier dealings, lower employee productivity, lose revenue and even ... |
Managing Information: The Bottom Line |
Twenty-first century businesses have a problem: they cannot get the accurate, consistent information they need on a timely enough basis to affect major business decisions. And while this impacts the entire organisation, the ... |
Why Virtual Machines Need Virtual Storage |
Consolidation is a common trend in IT environments, providing benefits such as increased resource utilisation, simplified management and lower overheads. Storage consolidation is accomplished by moving data off direct attached ... |
Without These Walls |
IT security is a long and bloody war. One of the key issues is working out where the next battle is going to be. The 2006 DTI report, Changing nature of information security showed how the battlefronts have shifted, from ... |
The Realities Of RAID, Data Loss Still Exists |
Legislation means that the amount of data companies are required to store is increasing at an alarming rate. Many employ RAID systems to manage their storage needs, protect their data and help avoid unnecessary downtime. RAID ... |
Fighting Today's Biggest IT Security Menace |
What is todays biggest IT security threat? IT itself, according to recent reports from IDC and Carnegie Mellon/DOD. To begin with, IDC research finds that enterprise companies rank insider sources as their top security threat ... |
Informed Decision-Making Equals Effective ICT |
The secret to affordable, productive IT is informed decision-making. Everything that an organisation procures in technology terms has an impact on something else. This means that it is crucial to think through the potential ... |
Achieving Compliance With E-Mail Archiving |
Driven by government and industry regulatory demands and also good business governance, compliance means different things to organisations in different industries, countries and sectors, but there is a common theme - copying ... |
Peak Performance Key For Online Success |
If we build it, they will come. That may be true for baseball diamonds cut into Iowa cornfields (remember the film Field of Dreams?), but not for B2B Web sites. If you build a B2B Web site, customers might come. If they ... |
It Pays To Be 'Open' In Software Development |
As IT becomes ever more pervasive within the business world, the importance of having reliable, focused software delivered on time and within budget is paramount for any organisation. More and more business transactions rely ... |
Supporting New Technology Is A Challenge |
The ECs ICT Taskforce reported in November 2006 that SMBs across Europe are failing to invest sufficiently in technology. A wider integration of ICT by businesses throughout Europe would significantly contribute to improve ... |
Image Spam Defense |
Spammers are consistently creating sophisticated new weapons in their armed race against Anti-Spam technology, the latest of which is known as Image-based Spam. Spammers have used images in their messages for years, in most ... |